All posts by FPL Pitch

Navigating Fixture Swings in FPL Without Playing Your Wildcard

Playing your wildcard in FPL can be tempting when your players don’t have favourable fixtures. But what if you want to navigate tough fixtures without using your wildcard chip? FPL Pitch shares how.

Fantasy Premier League (FPL) managers often face the dilemma of how to tackle challenging fixture swings without resorting to playing their precious wildcard. While the wildcard can be a powerful tool, saving it for later in the season or for emergencies is a prudent strategy. Here are some key tips to target fixture swings effectively without hitting that reset button:


1. Plan Transfers Strategically: Before the fixture swing begins, analyze your team’s upcoming opponents. Identify which players have favorable fixtures and which ones don’t. Consider transferring out underperforming or poorly fixture-affected players for those with better matchups.


2. Prioritize Premium Assets: Premium players, like the top-scoring forwards and midfielders, often perform consistently even against tough opponents. Keep faith in your premium assets during difficult fixtures as they can still deliver valuable points.


3. Utilize Bench Players: Your bench players can be valuable differentials during fixture swings. Rotate in budget-friendly players who have favorable matchups. This can free up funds for strengthening your starting lineup.


4. Monitor Player Form: Keep a close eye on player form. A player in great form can outperform their fixtures. Conversely, a player out of form may struggle even against weaker opponents. Be ready to make transfers based on current player form.


5. Consider Formations: Experiment with different formations to adapt to fixture swings. A more defensive setup (e.g., 4-5-1 or 4-4-2) can help you weather tough fixtures, while an aggressive one (e.g., 3-4-3) can maximize points during favorable runs.


6. Don’t Panic: FPL is a long game. Avoid knee-jerk reactions to a few bad gameweeks. Staying patient and sticking to your strategy can yield better results over the course of the season.


7. Use Chips Wisely: Save your chips, such as Bench Boost and Triple Captain, for optimal moments later in the season. These can provide significant point differentials when used strategically.


In conclusion, navigating fixture swings without playing your wildcard in FPL requires careful planning, patience, and a keen eye for player form and matchups. By following these tips, you can make the most of your team even when facing a challenging run of fixtures.

Let us know in the comments below if you plan to use your wildcard to keep up with the coming fixture swings. And let @FPLPitch know on Twitter/X if you think that the above-mentioned tips are useful.

You can find Fantasy Premier League (FPL) resources for the 23/24 season here.

Pros and Cons of Wildcarding Early in FPL

With the International Break soon coming to an end, the question must be lingering in your mind whether you should wildcard or not. FPL Pitch takes a look at the pros and cons of doing so early in the season.

In the world of Fantasy Premier League (FPL), one of the most strategic decisions a manager can make is when to play their wildcard. A wildcard allows you to make unlimited transfers in a single gameweek, offering both opportunities and risks. Let’s explore the pros and cons of wildcarding early in FPL.




1. Seizing the Opportunity: Early wildcards can help you capitalize on emerging trends and players. If you spot an undervalued gem or a team with a favorable fixture run, you can pounce on it before others catch on.


2. Fixing Mistakes: If you’ve made poor initial team selections or suffered from injuries or suspensions, an early wildcard can help rectify those issues swiftly.


3. Price Rises: By picking in-form players early, you can benefit from their price rises. This enables you to build team value, which can be vital in the later stages of the season.



1. Limited Data: Early in the season, there’s limited data to base decisions on. Players’ form can be erratic, and it’s challenging to gauge which teams will perform consistently.


2. Long-Term Impact: Playing a wildcard too early can leave you without the safety net later in the season when it might be more crucial to react to unforeseen circumstances.


3. Fixture Uncertainty: Fixture schedules can change due to various factors, making it difficult to plan for the long term. What looks like an easy run of fixtures now might not be the case later.


In conclusion, the decision to wildcard early in FPL should be carefully weighed. While it can provide a valuable advantage in the early stages, it also carries risks due to limited data and potential long-term consequences. Ultimately, the timing of your wildcard should align with your season-long strategy, weighing short-term gains against long-term stability. Each FPL manager must strike a balance that suits their unique approach to the game.


Are you planning on using your wildcard this week or are you saving it for a later moment? Let us know in the comments below and let @FPLPitch know on Twitter/X.

You can find Fantasy Premier League (FPL) resources for the 23/24 season here.

FPL Gameweek 5: Son May Shine Brighter in FPL Without Kane

Son Heung-min is back in the spotlight after scoring a hattrick against Burnley in GW4 but should he be in your FPL team and is he really better without Harry Kane? FPL Pitch shares his thoughts.

When it comes to Fantasy Premier League (FPL) selections, there’s a compelling case to be made for choosing Son Heung-min as your star player, especially when he’s not sharing the pitch with Harry Kane anymore. While Kane is undoubtedly a world-class striker, Son’s FPL potential often soars to new heights when he’s given the spotlight.


First and foremost, Son’s goal-scoring prowess becomes even more pronounced in Kane’s absence. As the potential focal point of Tottenham’s attack, he will get more chances to shoot and score, making him an attractive option for FPL managers seeking consistent points from goals and assists.

Son’s versatility is another asset. He’s not limited to playing as a traditional forward; he can drift wide, cut inside, and create chances on his own. This means he’s not solely reliant on others for assists, which is a crucial factor when deciding on FPL assets.

Furthermore, with Kane gone, Son will probably become Tottenham’s penalty taker. This additional source of potential points can be a game-changer in FPL, as penalties are prime opportunities for goals and assists.

Lastly, Son’s work rate and involvement in the team’s build-up play make him a reliable pick for bonus points. He consistently contributes defensively and offensively, increasing his chances of earning those valuable extra FPL points.


In conclusion, while Harry Kane is a fantastic player in his own right, Son Heung-min emerges as an even more enticing FPL option with Kane out of the picture. His goal-scoring ability, versatility, probable penalty duties, and bonus point potential make him a standout choice for FPL managers looking to maximize their points haul. So, with Kane having joined Bayern Munich, don’t hesitate to make Son your star player – he’s more than capable of leading your FPL team to victory.


Is Son an option for your FPL team? Let us know in the comments below or drop @FPLPitch a line on X/Twitter.

You can find Fantasy Premier League (FPL) resources for the 23/24 season here.

Making the Most of the International Break in Fantasy Premier League (FPL)

The international break provides a much-needed interlude to FPL managers as the first few weeks went like a breeze. But what can you do to set yourself up for success post the break? FPL Pitch shares his thoughts.

The international break in the Fantasy Premier League (FPL) can be a double-edged sword for FPL managers. On one hand, it offers a much-needed respite from the weekly rollercoaster of emotions that come with managing your fantasy team. On the other hand, it can disrupt your FPL momentum. Here are some strategies to make the most of the international break.


1. Assess Your Squad: Take this opportunity to evaluate your FPL team’s performance so far. Identify underperforming players, injuries, or suspensions that may require attention.


2. Research: Use the break to research and gather information. Keep an eye on player news, form, and fixtures. Look for hidden gems or differentials who could provide value in upcoming gameweeks.


3. Wildcard Consideration: If your squad needs a major overhaul, consider using your wildcard. This allows you to make unlimited transfers without taking point deductions.

4. Plan Ahead: Analyze the fixtures for the upcoming gameweeks. Plan your transfers strategically to maximize points. Keep an eye on fixture swings and captaincy options.


5. Injuries and Suspensions: Stay updated on international matches to monitor injuries or suspensions that could affect your FPL players. Make contingency plans if needed.


6. Mini-League Strategies: If you’re competing in mini-leagues, assess your rivals’ teams. Look for ways to gain an edge, whether it’s by differentiating your squad or targeting the same players they have.


7. Price Changes: Be aware of price changes during the break. Players’ values can fluctuate based on demand, so consider making transfers early to avoid price rises.


8. Rest and Recharge: Remember that FPL is a long game. Take this time to relax and recharge. Avoid knee-jerk reactions and impulsive transfers.


In summary, the international break is a valuable period to regroup, research, and strategize for the upcoming FPL gameweeks. Use it wisely to gain an advantage over your rivals and ensure a successful fantasy football season.

What are your plans for your team during the international break? Let us know in the comments below or drop @FPLPitch a DM on X/Twitter.

You can find Fantasy Premier League (FPL) resources for the 23/24 season here.

FPL: Targeting Fixtures vs. Targeting Form

What is more important in FPL? Having favourable fixtures or targeting players in form? FPL Pitch weighs both options.

In the captivating world of Fantasy Premier League (FPL), managers are often confronted with the age-old dilemma: Should they focus on targeting players based on their favorable upcoming fixtures or on those who are in red-hot form? Both strategies have their merits, and striking the right balance between them can spell the difference between success and frustration in the FPL arena.


Targeting Fixtures

Pinning your hopes on players with enticing fixtures seems like a pragmatic approach. A favorable schedule can provide a higher probability of clean sheets for defenders and potential goal-scoring opportunities for attacking players. Investing in teams facing weaker opposition might yield consistent points over several gameweeks.


Targeting Form

On the flip side, riding the wave of player form can be a rewarding endeavor. Players who are consistently delivering points due to their excellent recent performances might continue their streak. Form often trumps fixtures, as in-form players tend to find ways to contribute, regardless of the opposition.

The Balancing Act

In reality, the optimal strategy involves a judicious blend of both tactics. Form can be transient, and relying solely on it might lead to disappointment if a player’s purple patch ends abruptly. Conversely, favorable fixtures can sometimes deceive, as even weaker teams can occasionally spring surprises against stronger opposition.

A prudent approach would be to identify players with a mix of promising fixtures and sustained form. Investing in players who have historically performed well against upcoming opponents could also pay dividends. Goalkeepers with solid defenses, in the long run, might be worth holding onto, even if they face challenging fixtures in the near term.


Adaptation is Key

Flexibility is paramount in the world of FPL. Monitoring injuries, suspensions, and transfers is crucial, as these factors can dramatically alter a player’s prospects. Additionally, keeping an eye on price changes and the overall team structure is essential for optimizing your squad’s performance over the season.


In conclusion, targeting fixtures and targeting form are not mutually exclusive strategies in FPL. The savviest managers recognize the importance of both and adeptly navigate the ever-changing landscape of the Premier League. By combining astute fixture analysis with an understanding of player form, managers can craft a winning formula that maximizes their points tally and propels them up the FPL ranks.

What’s your go-to strategy? Form or fixtures? Let us know in the comments below, or give @FPLPitch your take on Twitter/X.

You can find Fantasy Premier League (FPL) resources for the 23/24 season here.

Top Football Manager = Top FPL Manager?

What would it look like if the best managers in the world had their own virtual Fantasy Premier League teams? FPL Pitch takes a look.

Fantasy Premier League (FPL) enthusiasts often find themselves analyzing player statistics, form, and fixtures to create the ultimate team. If football coaches were to dive into the FPL world, who would excel? Let’s explore a few names that could potentially dominate the FPL leaderboard.


1. Pep Guardiola: Known for his tactical prowess, Guardiola’s ability to adapt strategies and exploit opponents’ weaknesses could translate well into FPL management. His knack for rotating players and predicting match outcomes could make him a formidable FPL competitor.

2. Jurgen Klopp: Klopp’s high-intensity playing style and focus on teamwork could translate to Fantasy Premier League success. His insight into player chemistry and form could help him make shrewd transfers and captain choices.

3. Thomas Tuchel: Tuchel’s tactical flexibility and defensive mindset could work wonders in FPL. His knack for turning teams into solid defensive units might lead to accumulating valuable clean sheet points.

4. Brendan Rodgers: Rodgers’ emphasis on player development and attacking football could serve him well in FPL. His ability to nurture young talents and exploit attacking opportunities might result in a high-scoring FPL team.

5. Marcelo Bielsa: Bielsa’s commitment to attacking football and intensive analysis could make him a Fantasy Premier League standout. His attention to player fitness and meticulous planning might translate into consistent point hauls.

6. Diego Simeone: Simeone’s defensive strategies and meticulous preparation could lead to a solid FPL performance. His emphasis on discipline and organization might translate into bonus points from clean sheets.


Ultimately, excelling in FPL requires a blend of football knowledge, statistical analysis, and a bit of luck. While these coaches have unique strengths that could serve them well in the FPL arena, success would still hinge on their ability to adapt to the game’s ever-changing landscape. Just as in football, the FPL arena can be unpredictable, making even the most seasoned coaches susceptible to surprises.

In the end, whether it’s Guardiola’s tactical genius or Klopp’s team spirit, FPL’s success for these coaches would certainly be a thrilling spectacle to watch.

Who do you think would have the best shot at winning Fantasy Premier League? Leave a comment below or let me know on Twitter: @FPLPitch

You can find Fantasy Premier League (FPL) resources for the 23/24 season here.