J.League Fantasy expert Kurasawa looks at all the players who are injured, suspended, doubtful or ruled out otherwise on matchday 2.

This page will give you the latest info on unavailable players in the Japanese top flight.

In Japan situation with injury updates leaves much to be desired. Unlike Europe, where managers at pre-match press conferences present team news, Japanese teams are very secretive about it. You are rarely in the know that a player suddenly got injured before the game. Only after the end of the game without him club can post an injury report, but don’t expect they will do it fast. Sometimes it can take a couple of months for a club to shed light on a player’s status. That’s why you see the word “Disappearance” in the headline.

In terms of suspensions, a player misses one game, if he accumulates four warnings (yellow cards). But two yellows in one game are not counted as a warning. For a better understanding, see the picture below.

J.League Fantasy Injury and Suspension List Matchday 2

TeamPlayerName in JapanesePosSituationInfo
Albirex NiigataGustavo Nescauグスタボ・ネスカウSTSlightly doubtful 🟠30/8 - injured in Emperor's Cup 28/9 - pictured in training
Albirex NiigataYuzuru Shimada島田譲CDMAdductor muscle injury 🔴23/9 - injured in GW28 5/10 - diagnosis revealed, 6 weeks left (return in second half of November)
Albirex NiigataYoshiaki Takagi高木善朗CAMSlightly doubtful 🟠3/11 - in separate training
Albirex NiigataMichael James Fitzgerald舞行龍ジェームズCBInjury? 🟠11/11 - flagged as 'injured' by Opta
Albirex NiigataEitaro Matsuda松田詠太郎RWUnavailable 🔴Ineligible to face his parent club Yokohama F. Marinos in GW33
Avispa FukuokaLukianルキアンSTAvailable 🟢26/8 - injured in GW25 27/8 - Coach Hasebe: 'I don't know, he is yet to be scanned in a hospital. He is able to walk though' 31/8 - from Nikkan Sports article: 'Lukian's condition is a concern' 10/9 - got injured again in J.League Cup 12/9 - player revealed on his social media that injury will rule him out for longer period than his previous injury 19/9 - diagnosis revealed, out for 3 months (return in December, so out for season) 11/11 - back on the bench
Avispa FukuokaRyoga Sato佐藤凌我STACL + lateral meniscus injury 🔴6/9 - injured in J.League Cup. Coach Hasebe: 'There's no doubt it's a serious injury', 'He can't even walk' 7/9 - diagnosis revealed, out for 8 months (return in May 2024)
Avispa FukuokaSeiya Inoue井上聖也CBDiaphyseal fractures in both forearms 🔴10/9 - injured in J.League Cup 19/9 - diagnosis revealed, out for 3 months (return in December, so out for season)
Avispa FukuokaYuto Hiratsuka平塚悠知CDMInjury 🔴11/10 - injured in J.League Cup
Avispa FukuokaDouglas Grolliドウグラス・グローリCBSuspended 🔴8th yellow card of the season. Back in GW34
Cerezo OsakaHirotaka Tameda為田大貴LWLateral meniscus tear 🔴7/7 - to undergo surgery 12/9 - done a part of group training 4/11 - back in full training
Cerezo OsakaHiroshi Kiyotake清武弘嗣CAM/LWHamstring injury 🔴13/2 - timescale unknown, going to take long 11/4 - back on grass, return in late April or early May 22/4 - in separate training 17/5 - still not in full training, but expected to join soon 26/5 - pictured in training with Kagawa (back in fully?) 26/6 - done a part of full training, but said that he doesn't know when he will be able to return 4/7 - back in full training 7/7 - could return in friendly game against PSG on July 28 12/7 - back on the bench in Emperor's Cup 28/7 - underwent surgery after suffering a setback, return this season is unlikely 3/11 - done a part of group training 18/11 - played in Kansai youth league match
Cerezo OsakaRyo Watanabe渡邉りょうSTDoubtful 🟠30/9 - missed GW29 22/10 - back in full training
Cerezo OsakaSota Kitano北野颯太STMeniscus injury 🔴12/10 - in separate training 22/10 - diagnosis revealed, underwent surgery on 13th
Cerezo OsakaCapixabaカピシャーバLWAvailable 🟢28/10 - injured in GW31 1/11 - in separate training 8/11 - pictured with Croux (back in full training?) 12/11 - back in starting XI
Cerezo OsakaShinji Kagawa香川真司CDMAvailable 🟢1/11 - on separate training due to tiredness 12/11 - back in starting XI
Gamba OsakaYusei Egawa江川湧清CBKnee cartilage injury 🔴29/9 - underwent surgery, out for long
Gamba OsakaJuan Alanoファン・アラーノRW/CAMCalf injury 🔴21/10 - injured in GW30 24/10 - in separate training 7/11 - training indoors, aims to be back against Sanfrecce Hiroshima on 25th 23/11 - will not be available this weekend and doubtful for GW34
Gamba OsakaDawhanダワンCMAvailable 🟢Back after GW32 suspension
Gamba OsakaNeta Laviネタ・ラヴィCDMExtremely doubtful 🟠23/11 - unlikely to feature after returning from tough 4-game international duty with Israel
Gamba OsakaIssam Jebaliイッサム・ジェバリSTSlightly doubtful 🟠8/11 - has been in separate training 10/11 - confirmed out by coach Poyatos
Hokkaido Consadole SapporoTsuyoshi Ogashiwa小柏剛AM/STAvailable 🟢21/10 - injured in GW30 24/10 - not pictured in training 1/11 - pictured in what looks like separate training 7/11 - back in full training 11/11 - back on the bench
Hokkaido Consadole SapporoSupachok Sarachatスパチョーク・サラチャートAMAvailable 🟢28/10 - missed GW31 1/11 - pictured in what looks like separate training 8/11 - returned to full training this week 11/11 - back on the bench
Hokkaido Consadole SapporoAkito Fukumori福森晃斗CBAvailable 🟢11/11 - flagged as 'injured' by Opta, but it was a cramp
Hokkaido Consadole SapporoKazuki Fukai深井一希CDMACL, medial meniscus + knee cartilage injury11/11 - diagnosis revealed, underwent surgery
Hokkaido Consadole SapporoSeiya Baba馬場晴也CDM/CBSuspended 🔴Yellow card accumulation. Back in GW34
Kashima AntlersShuhei Mizoguchi溝口修平LBMCL injury 🔴1/10 - diagnosis revealed, out for 6 weeks (return in mid-November)
Kashima AntlersGaku Shibasaki柴崎岳CDMHamstring injury 🔴21/10 - injured in GW30 24/10 - diagnosis revealedm out for 8 weeks (return in late December)
Kashima AntlersIkuma Sekigawa関川郁万CBAvailable 🟢11/11 - flagged as 'injured' by Opta 15/11 - filmed in training
Kashiwa ReysolBuenoブエノCBKnee cartilage injury 🔴31/5 - out for 6 months (return in December) 22/11 - done a part of group training
Kashiwa ReysolEiichi Katayama片山瑛一RBAvailable? 🟠30/9 - flagged as 'injured' by Opta 3/10 - pictured in training 20/10 - missed GW30
Kashiwa ReysolHayato Tanaka田中隼人CBHamstring injury 🔴12/10 - injured in training on September 28th, 6 weeks left (return in late November)
Kashiwa ReysolTakumi Tsuchiya土屋巧CB/CDM/RBInjury? 🟠11/11 - flagged as 'injured' by Opta
Kashiwa ReysolTaiyo Koga古賀太陽CBSuspended 🔴Yellow card accumulation. Back in GW34
Kashiwa ReysolDiegoジエゴLBSuspended 🔴Yellow card accumulation. Back in GW34
Kashiwa ReysolTomoki Takamine高嶺朋樹CDMSuspended 🔴8th yellow card of the season. Back next season
Kawasaki FrontaleRyota Oshima大島僚太CDMCalf injury 🔴8/7 - injured in GW9 16/7 - diagnosis revealed
Kawasaki FrontaleShintaro Kurumaya車屋紳太郎CBTibial bone contusion 🔴24/9 - flagged as 'injured' by Opta 26/9 - didn't train, but is reported discussing eating curry with reserve GK Hayasaka 9/10 - diagnosis revealed, timeframe unknown 2/11 - done a part of group training 9/11 - back in full training
Kawasaki FrontaleAsahi Sasaki佐々木旭LBDoubtful 🟠24/9 - flagged as 'injured' by Opta 26/9 - didn't train 9/10 - diagnosis revealed, timeframe unknown 15/11 - back in full training
Kawasaki FrontaleTakuma Ominami大南拓磨CBDoubtful 🟠24/10 - injured in Asian Champions League. Coach Oniki: 'Ankle is seriously twisted, needs to be checked' 30/10 - timeframe not revealed in club announcement, but news outlet Kanagawa Shimbun says it's 3-4 weeks (return in late November) 15/11 - back in full training 18/11 - played 60 minutes in practice match against FC Tokyo
Kawasaki FrontaleDaiya Tono遠野大弥CM/LWAvailable 🟢Back after GW32 suspension
Kyoto SangaGu Sung-Yunク・ソンユンGK? 🟠28/10 - missed GW31
Kyoto SangaYuto Misao三竿雄斗LB/CB? 🟠28/10 - missed GW31 19/11 - pictured in training (type unknown, looks like separate)
Kyoto SangaKyo Sato佐藤響LBAvailable 🟢Back after GW32 suspension
Kyoto SangaRyogo Yamasaki山﨑凌吾STAvailable 🟢12/11 - flagged as 'injured' by Opta 16/11 - pictured in training
Nagoya Grampus EightAkinari Kawazura河面旺成CBMCL injury 🔴21/10 - injured in GW30 25/10 - diagnosis revealed, timeframe unknown
Nagoya Grampus EightYohei Takeda武田洋平GKMiddle finger fracture 🔴8/11 - timeframe unknown
Sagan TosuFuchi Honda本田風智CAMLateral meniscus tear 🔴14/5 - injured in GW13 18/5 - diagnosis revealed, timeframe unknown
Sagan TosuYoshiki Narahara楢原慶輝FB/WACL Injury 🔴28/9 - diagnosis revealed, timeframe unknown
Sagan TosuHwang Seok-Hoファン・ソッコCBAvailable 🟢27/10 - missed GW31 11/11 - back in starting XI
Sagan TosuKosuke Yamazaki山﨑浩介CBAvailable 🟢Back after GW32 suspension
Sagan TosuYuji Ono小野裕二ST/AMInjury? 🟠11/11 - flagged as 'injured' by Opta
Sanfrecce HiroshimaPieros Sotiriouピエロス・ソティリウSTAvailable 🟢21/10 - missed GW30 11/11 - back on the bench
Sanfrecce HiroshimaMarcos Juniorマルコス・ジュニオールCAMDoubtful 🟠21/10 - missed GW30 15/11 - pictured in training
Sanfrecce HiroshimaDouglas Vieiraドウグラス・ヴィエイラSTDoubtful 🟠Back after GW32 suspension. But is he fit? 16/11 - pictured in training
Shonan BellmareAkira Silvano Disaroディサロ・燦・シルヴァーノSTDoubtful 🟠1/10 - diagnosis revealed, timeframe unknown 2/11 - pictured in training
Shonan BellmareKosuke Onose小野瀬康介CMHamstring injury 🔴30/9 - missed GW29 13/10 - pictured in training 21/10 - missed GW30 1/11 - diagnosis revealed, timeframe unknown
Shonan BellmareDaiki Tomii富居大樹GKFracture of transverse processes in 2th-4th lumbar vertebrae 🔴28/10 - went off injured with no subs left forcing defender Oiwa to stand between the sticks 1/11 - diagnosis revealed, timeframe unknown
Shonan BellmareTarik Elyounoussiタリク・エルユヌシST/CMThigh injury 🔴31/10 - diagnosis revealed, timeframe unknown
Shonan BellmareMasaki Ikeda池田昌生CMDoubtful 🟠11/11 - missed GW32 22/11 - pictured in training
Tokyo FCHotaka Nakamura中村帆高RBAchilles tendon rupture 🔴29/4 - "High chance it's a serious injury" 2/5 - diagnosis revealed, timeframe to be published after surgery 17/5 - out for 6 months (return in November)
Tokyo FCTakuya Aoki青木拓矢CDMDoubtful (MCL injury) 🟠11/6 - injured in GW17 27/6 - diagnosis revealed, 4-6 weeks left (return in August) 31/7 - back in full training
Tokyo FCKeita Yamashita山下敬大STMeniscus injury 🔴3/7 - underwent surgery, so out for long 17/8 - returns to parent club FC Tokyo
Tokyo FCJakub Słowikヤクブ・スウォビィクGKAvailable? 🟠21/10 - missed GW30 25/10 - pictured in training 28/10 - back on the bench 11/11 - missed GW32
Tokyo FCYuto Nagatomo長友佑都LB/RBAvailable 🟢21/10 - missed GW30 3/11 - back in full training 11/11 - back in starting XI
Tokyo FCTeruhito Nakagawa仲川輝人RWAvailable 🟢Back after GW32 suspension
Tokyo FCHenrique Trevisanエンリケ・トレヴィザンCBSuspended 🔴8th yellow card of the season. Back in GW34
Tokyo FCJaja Silvaジャジャ・シルバLWInjury of anterior ligament of fibular head 🔴7/11 - injured on October 14th, one week left (return in mid-November)
Tokyo FCKuryu Matsuki松木玖生CDM/CAMSuspended 🔴Yellow card accumulation. Back in GW34
Tokyo FCKashif Bangnagandeバングーナガンデ佳史扶LBDoubtful 🟠11/11 - injured in GW32 14/11 - in separate training in Japan U22 18/11 - played 78 minutes against Argentina U22 20/11 - withdrawn from NT due to poor condition
Urawa Red DiamondsHiroki Abe安部裕葵LWLack of match fitness 🔴14/7 - partially trains with the group 25/7 - still not in full training 4/8 - Coach Skorja: 'I expect him to start playing in October' 9/9 - Coach Skorja: 'I can't rule out him not returning in September' 8/10 - pictured in training 23/10 - in separate training
Urawa Red DiamondsTakahiro Sekine関根貴大LWDoubtful 🟠20/10 - injured in GW30 23/10 - in separate training. Coach Skorja: 'I hope he will be fit for the next league game' 3/10 - the player: 'Situation is better' 15/11 - back in full training
Urawa Red DiamondsTakahiro Akimoto明本考浩LBAvailable 🟢Back after GW32 suspension
Urawa Red DiamondsHiroki Sakai酒井宏樹RBMeniscus injury 🔴6/11 - out for 3 months (return in early February)
Urawa Red DiamondsTomoaki Okubo大久保智明RWAvailable 🟢28/10 - missed GW31 4/11 - back on the bench in J.League Cup Final 8/11 - missed Asian Champions League game 10/11 - pictured in training 12/11 - back in starting XI
Urawa Red DiamondsAlexander Scholzアレクサンダー・ショルツCBAvailable 🟢7/11 - didn't train 8/11 - missed Asian Champions League game 10/11 - pictured in training. Coach Skorja on availabilty of him, Okubo and Sekine: 'I don't know yet, we'll see tomorrow' 12/11 - back in starting XI
Urawa Red DiamondsTakuya Ogiwara荻原拓也LBDoubtful 🟠12/11 - missed GW32 22/11 - pictured in training
Urawa Red DiamondsKaito Yasui安居海渡CAM/CMAvailable 🟢12/11 - missed GW32 17/11 - pictured in training
Urawa Red DiamondsAtsuki Ito伊藤敦樹CDMKnee injury 🔴12/11 - stretchered off in GW32 22/11 - in separate training
Urawa Red DiamondsKen Iwao岩尾憲CDMSuspended 🔴Yellow card accumulation. Back in GW34
Vissel KobeRyuho Kikuchi菊池流帆CBACL Injury 🔴4/3 - injured in GW3 10/3 - 8 months (return in November) 22/8 - pictured in training (type unknown) 4/10 - done a part of group training
Vissel KobeMitsuki Saito齊藤未月CDMKnee dislocation, ACL tear, LCL tear, biceps femoris tendon attachment tear, popliteus tendon injury, MCL injury, PCL injury and injuries of medial and lateral meniscuses 🔴19/8 - injured in GW24 21/8 - diagnosis revealed, out for a year (return in second half of 2024) 28/9 - discharged from hospital 20/11 - underwent second surgery, 8 months to recover (return in July 2024)
Vissel KobeHotaru Yamaguchi山口蛍CDMInjury 🔴28/10 - missed GW31. Coach Yoshida: 'Monitoring situation day by day to know whether he gets fit for the next game' 5/11 - 'Situation hasn't changed, still not clear' 15/11 - still not training. Coach Yoshida: 'Checking his fitness every day but we get the same result every time. That's the kind of injury he is having. I don't mean it's a serious one, we just need to monitor it day by day'
Vissel KobeDaiju Sasaki佐々木大樹CAMAvailable 🟢28/10 - injured in GW31 12/11 - back in starting XI
Yokohama FCGabrielガブリエウCBACL Injury 🔴25/2 - injured in GW2 4/3 - likely out for season 16/10 - back in partial training
Yokohama FCTakuya Wada和田拓也CDM/LB4th proximal phalanx fracture 🔴3/9 - diagnosis revealed, injured in training on August 26, return in late November 14/11 - done a part of group training
Yokohama FCRyoya Yamashita山下諒也LWExtremely doubtful 🟠29/9 - missed GW29 21/10 - seen watching the game in the stands with the crutches 14/11 - back in training (likely separate). The player: 'The pain didn't go away yet but I'm getting more fit' 20/11 - despite training separately, has such a big desire to play against Shonan Bellmare this weekend he analysed their last 4-5 games 22/11 - done a part of group training
Yokohama F. MarinosRyuta Koike小池龍太RBPatella fracture 🔴1/4 - 6 months (return in October) 9/9 - done a part of group training 17/11 - 'Return in the last Asian Champions League game [on December 13] would be a gift from medical team'
Yokohama F. MarinosYuta Koike小池裕太LBACL injury 🔴12/7 - injured in Emperor's Cup, spotted on crutches after the game 15/7 - diagnosis revealed, out for 8 months (return in March 2024)
Yokohama F. MarinosShinnosuke Hatanaka畠中槙之輔CBACL + meniscus injury 🔴19/8 - injured in GW24 22/8 - diagnosis revealed, out for 8 months (return in April-May 2024)
Yokohama F. MarinosRyotaro Tsunoda角田涼太朗CBAvailable 🟢15/10 - injured in J.League Cup 18/10 - diagnosis revealed, underwent surgery, timeframe unknown 2/11 - done a part of group training wearing a helmet, wants to play in GW32 12/11 - back in starting XI
Yokohama F. MarinosHijiri Kato加藤聖LBHamstring injury 🔴18/10 - out for 5 months (return in March 2024)
Yokohama F. MarinosKatsuya Nagato永戸勝也LBHamstring injury 🔴25/10 - stretchered off in Asian Champions League 26/10 - unavailabilty this weekend is confirmed 1/11 - diagnosis revealed, out for 5 months (return in April 2024)
Yokohama F. MarinosKenta Inoue井上健太RW/RWBHamstring injury 🔴7/11 - stretchered off in Asian Champions League
Yokohama F. MarinosÉlberエウベルLWAvailable 🟢12/11 - flagged as 'injured' by Opta, but looked completely fine

You can find additional J.League Fantasy resources for the 23/24 season here.

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[…] You can check injuries, suspensions, and disappearances in this list. […]

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